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Monday, December 15, 2008

Black List Scripts and Nominations

Boy, you know it's the end of the year in Hollywood when award nominations start flowing like champagne and the Black List takes a bow. To check out the latest award nominations, check out the following links:

Golden Globe Nominations: Awards ceremony January 11th

Critic's Choice Nominations: Awards ceremony, January 8th

National Board of Review

I have the following Black List scripts:

THE BEAVER written by Kyle Killen
THE ORANGES written by Ian Helfer & Jay Reiss
THE TUTOR written by Matthew Fogel
BIG HOLE written by Michael Gilio
WINTERS DISCONTENT written by Paul Fruchbom
THE LOW DWELLER written by Brad Ingelsby
BROKEN CITY written by Brian Tucker

If you would like any or all of them, please email my assistant, Chaia, and your wish is our - wait - from your lips to god's - no, no, uh, throw one shoe, I'm a shamed president, throw two shoes and it's confirmed. Ah - and I haven't even had any egg nog. You get the drift. To find the black list scripts, click HERE.

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hudsonrivercreative said...

I've sent you an email Chaia! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I sent Chaia email and she sent the cops instead of the scripts.

Belzecue said...

Some of us have ALL the Black List 2008 screenplays, muhahaHAHAHAHA!

I can say no more or I risk the wrath of-- THWACK!

GAAHHH! What the-- who hits a guy in the back of the head with a handful of screenplays-- THWACK! THWACK!

C'mon, JC, I wasn't really going to-- SWISHHHH...

Nyah nyah, missed me that ti-- CLUNK! ...

meg said...

Thanks Julie and Chaia.

Anyone have Serial Killer Days? I just discovered it is a book written by David Prill published in 1996. I'm going to try to find it and would love to read the script too.

Julie Gray said...

@Belzecue, lol, I have hard copies of all of them that I got throughout the year but I caint go a'mailin or copying those. So the top whatever that was, that Chaia can get RWers as a pdf.

@JJ - you don't mess with the Chaia. She's a dark angel, that one. ;)

Chaia Milstein said...

Hello, all. I have gotten so many requests for scripts that in the interest of saving time, I am going to be sending everyone everything Julie listed here all at once. Happy reading!

meg said...

thanks chaia--it will be happy reading

Christian H. said...

Wow, I read The Beaver and I don't know what to say about it.

It started out as a comedy about depression but then turned into a self-help book, a ridiculous farce, and VERY DARK.

I was surprised that the writer made 110 pages out of the story.

I would definitely not have ventured onto TV.

The writer does use a helluva lot of CLOSE ON, etc. I can see Steve Carell in the role but I have twinges of Evan.

It just does too much, I think.

PJ McIlvaine said...

I have all the BL scripts, give me a buzz and I'll send you the link.

Anonymous said...

Many of these scripts are more about "voice" than conventional story -- which may be a good way to think about a writing sample.

Belzecue said...

Someobody uploaded the whole Black List 2008 pdf collection to:

Bidding war, anyone?

Anonymous said...

what were people's faves?