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Friday, December 7, 2007

Holiday Scene Competition

Well Wavers, the mailbag is overflowing with requests for a holiday scene competition and the Wave-inatrix is nothing if not accomodating. So here it is:

The Rules:

Write a 1 to 2 page scene set during, thematically and dramatically connected to the holidays. Doesn't have to be Christmas, could be Chanukah or Kwanza. Genre is your choice but the following three words must appear in the scene:

Egg nog

Writers are limited to two submissions each. Script Department* associates and partners are not eligible. Sorry guys.

Send to the Wave-inatrix in pdf or fd format.


Friday, December 21st by 5pm Pacific Time.


$25 gift certificate to AMC theaters

A copy of Michael Hague's Selling Your Story in 60 Seconds, courtesy of The Great American Pitch Fest

and wow - check this out -

A three month pass to Pitch Perfect, courtesy of the Writer's Store and the Great American PitchFest. This pass allows you to upload your video pitch on their website, along with your contact information, logline, and other information, where it is watched by industry executives. To check it out, please visit Pitch Perfect.

Things are getting serious around here at the Rouge Wave - the heat is on. But Wavers know how passionately the Wave-inatrix feels that writing should be joyful. This is meant to be fun, but darn tootin' you'll receive your prizes promptly and benefit by them all.

Thank you to AMC, The Great American Pitch Fest and The Writer's Store for taking our antics on the Rouge Wave seriously and seeing such potential in our readers.

Let the games begin.

*No, you didn't imagine that. My company changed its name. I'm not gaslighting you. I edited.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What?! No special words have to be woven into the scene like with the Halloween story? Bummer, I'm disappointed in your lack of creativity for this contest.